11 de janeiro de 2009

buy me a plant please

and a cat different from the others

and a camera

and a yoyo, my frog is spoilt

and my aples

and a cd with the musics Sicilliene and Fantasie of Fauré (and the score)

and my instructions book

and a bus ticket to go to foz (onde sentes que ha mt para além de ti) in a rainy day.

buy me too a hat

and a seat in a empty cinema

and a clock to put in my finger, like a ring; better, like an alliance

I'm going to marry with the time (ingles correcto?)

buy me an umbrella to use on sunny days

and a violet tree

and a chewing gum with sugar

and the ocean to put my fish (my black fish that is escaping of my cat)

and my definition

and buy please a pen to my father and tell him to give it to me

buy me a piano

and grass

and a big bath (the biggest)

and the book I read on the last day before hibernation (that one about a boot)


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